We thought it would be fun to get to know a little bit more about our
Anthology Artists. Here's the "Quick Six" Q&A with bassist Tony Smith, one of our "OG" Anthology Artists:
1. First concert you attended?
Duran Duran
2. How old were you when you started playing the bass?
16 years old, I bought my first bass from a pawn shop where I lived. It was a 1984 Peavey Foundation bass in sunburst with the original hard shell case.
3. Venue you would love to play at or favorite venue you have already played at?
The one local venue I haven’t been able to play yet, but is on my bucket list is the Hollywood Bowl.
4. Artist or song you are into most right now?
Listening to Sleep Token, Mr Big, The Broken View and Poets of the Fall.
5. Do you have any pre-show rituals or superstitions?
Plenty of water, stretch and don’t eat right before hitting the stage. I’ll usually warm up on my bass for a bit too, get those fingers ready.
6. Who has inspired you most as a musician?
My biggest inspiration definitely came from Billy Sheehan (Mr Big, The Winery Dogs). Others include: Geddy Lee (RUSH), Steve Harris (Iron Maiden) and John Taylor (Duran Duran).
Check out Tony's Artist Page